Blinds....I met with the Luxaflex lady today and made my final selections for my window furnishings. Can I just say how happy I am! As you can see from the pictures, they are all the translucent materials, meaning you cannot see in but light still comes in (exactly what I wanted) For the main windows throughout the house I selected a really nice textured material from the 'Bamboo' range. Very natural, not plain and adds some interest to the windows. The only problem I had was how the curtain should roll up top. As some of my windows have winders, I may have to do the reverse roll. This may be the best option. I am having a stainless steel rod at the bottom of the binds which you can see in the picture above. I just hope they look nice when installed.
The pretty fabrics above are from the 'silk' range. For my powder room and changing room I am having romans in this fabric. I selected the first fabric but still really liked the one in the third picture. Opinions most welcomed as it hasn't been ordered yet. Both go with my tiles shown above.

So there you go. A very productive day...painting and blinds both sorted out. I often wonder if anybody is reading my blog but it doesn't really matter hehe You will notice that I have added two very well known blogs to my list. Very inspirational, filled with the prettiest pictures you could see.
Mrs B
