Tub decks ususally run parallel to a wall and are often located under a window. The view out of a window can be as spectacular as shown in the photo below or it can be a view that you customize when landscaping. In this particular photo, I love the shelves on each end of the bath tub, though I would have preferred a little more deck space between the bath tub and the shelf.
In this particular photo, the tub is mounted underneath the tub deck and the fireplace is parallel to the tub. Note the thickness of the stone on the deck.
Yet another location for a fireplace is in the corner of the deck. Note the overhang at the ceiling creating an alcove for the tub deck area.Depending on the height of your tub deck, you might want to consider a step along side the tub as shown above. Though steps can be convenient for getting in and out of the tub, they can also be a nice design element as well as be used to hold a decorative accessory. The two photos above show two different applications for a step. Additionally, there is always the single step that runs the length of the side of the tub. If you have small children, kneeling on a step when you bathe them makes the task a little easier.
The photo above shows a step on each end of the tub deck so that the tub can be entered from both sides of the room. I love the idea of using a screen for privacy. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the screen were a water element with water running down the glass creating the n.oise of water as well as serving to give the person taking a bath privacy
(Beautiful Baths magazine)
Though I am not a fan of the leg that was used in the deck in the photo above, there are many options to consider for the apron. Some are made of the same stone or tile as the tub deck and some are made of a completely different material as shown in the photo below (granite on the deck top and a cherry wood for the apron). Some deck aprons are one single piece cut from a stone slab and others are small individual pieces of stone or tile.
In the photo above, there is a small shelf above the deck on three sides of the tub. The decorative bowl under the window has been placed on this shelf.
(Beautiful Baths magazine 2008)
Adding mirror along one of the walls of the deck or on all three walls of the deck is a popular design element. Sometimes the mirror is placed flush with the top of the deck which gives a clean look. However, I would want to take all precautions to make sure any water splashed out of the tub does not puddle along the tub deck and mirror. I do love the mirror on mirror look in the photo above. Additional photos of tub decks are below.
(The source for many photos is unknown. If you will contact me, I will add the credit or remove.)