Welcome to the second quote for Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday. For the past 25 years, I have collected quotes that inspired me. These quotes may be of a religious, spiritual, relationship, sports, or business nature My hope is the weekly quote will resonate with you causing you to pause for a minute and reflect. Perhaps you will share it with that person who is in need of reading this very quote.

“The most important

conversations I will ever have

are the ones I have with myself,

about myself.”

What I have learned through the years is to make sure the thoughts that occupy my mind are positive and healthy. None of that stinkin thinkin! I need to control the conversation that goes on between my own two ears. If I find myself obsessing over some person, place, or thing, then I need to replace those thoughts by making a list of those things for which I am grateful or making a list of my positive qualities. 

Please leave a comment telling me how this particular quote resonated with you and/or share your favorite quote.  Blessings.  …susan

Source: I heard this from John DeFoore in the early 1980’s, an incredible man from Boerne, Texas. I am not sure if it originated with him or if he borrowed it from another person.
