Hi! Please forgive me for being slow at publishing posts on my blog.  Also, forgive me for not replying to those who have left comments.  I ended up being admitted to the hospital on Tuesday due to the ear issue I mentioned in my last Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday post. I had been on an oral high strength antibiotic since Sunday. Saw my doctor on Monday and he inserted a needle to extract the infection. That night, for some reason the infection grew with a vengeance. Tuesday, I returned to my doctor and he immediately admitted me to the hospital. I was administered several days of high potent IV antibiotics, morphine, valium, narcotic pain meds, etc. trying to get the infection and pain under control which finally happened 18 hours later.  I am not one who likes to put meds in my body but I was at a point I would have tried anything! The pain was horrendous, plus fever and nausea. My doctor decided to do surgery yesterday to clean out the infection and put in a drain. He unstitched the drain and removed it this morning and I was discharged.

I am due to write the mistakes to avoid post related to the kitchen office/desk area that I published over a week ago.  Additionally, I need to prepare for the Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday post which I hope to be able to do.   I have some great topics with lots of photos to post soon. 

Please keep checking back… I will be getting back into the swing of things. Just had to deal with this little setback.  Blessings. …susan
