Cushion colour combination from The Works

Today I went to a shop that is totally amazing and well known to many Melbourians! Of course it is The Works in Hawthorn. I spent a good 2 hours just pottering, touching and rearranging displays like the one above, working out my colour scheme and the look I am after for my home. I bought the gorgeous grey/blue flower cushion in the picture but desperately wanted to buy the yellow and blue geometric cushions as well. This will be my new colour scheme for upstairs. I have this fantastic green couch that needs equally colour that will make the whole room 'sing'.

My green couch upstairs

Sadly, at the moment, my new purchase is hidden in the car as Mr B said 'you don't need any more cushions' Little does he know I will need many new cushions haha! Just waiting for the right time to casually flung it on the lounge as if it has been there always.

Mrs B xx
